Welcome to our secondary school, 在一个充满活力的基督教社区里,学术卓越与精神成长相结合. 我们致力于培养福祉,确保学生在一个重视个性和培养韧性的支持性环境中茁壮成长. With a rigorous curriculum and dedicated educators, 弗里蒙特基督教装备学生,他们需要在学术上脱颖而出的工具, preparing them for success in college and beyond. Beyond academics, our Christian identity influences every aspect of school life, encouraging students to live with conviction and compassion. 我们了解家长参与的重要性,并积极让家长参与社区建设活动, 促进伙伴关系,丰富学生的教育之旅,加强我们学校社区的结构.
自2010年以来,十大博彩公司一直积极实施共同核心州标准(CCSS)理想. Changes in text resources and, most importantly, 多年来的专业发展一直专注于使这种模式转变,以便为FCS学生在高等教育和未来的职业生涯中取得成功做好准备. 弗里蒙特基督教高中的毕业要求超过了加州大学的入学要求.
FCS has adopted a math curriculum that focuses on depth rather than breadth, conceptual foundations, and most importantly, process and application of mathematical concepts. The CCSS for mathematical practice are reflected in the secondary math courses. Students are expected to explain their thinking, demonstrate their process, understand that there can be multiple paths to the same solution, and make real world applications. 掌握项目让学生有机会展示他们对数学概念和过程的理解. Three Advanced Placement (AP) courses are offered in mathematics: Statistics, Calculus AB, and Calculus BC.
通过阅读和分析不同体裁的重要文学作品,英语课程继续反映CCSS英语语言艺术(ELA)标准. 学生进一步发展他们的读写能力,继续强调词汇的发展和理解语法在传达所需意义中的作用. 教师通过为学生提供针对不同目的和受众的写作练习机会,培养清晰的沟通能力和批判性思维. Frequent writing builds stamina, confidence, 在鼓励学生参与深思熟虑和有意义的话语的同时,提高技巧. Honors projects, an honors science-fiction/fantasy literature course, 大学先修英语语言/写作课程也为学生提供了挑战自我和磨练大学水平阅读和写作技能的机会.
Social Studies & Science
而加州内容标准和下一代科学标准(NGSS)则为内容提供信息, CCSS的ELA标准在社会研究和科学教学中也发挥着不可或缺的作用. CCSS literacy standards are embedded in content instruction through Project GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) instructional strategies. Science instruction takes place in well-equipped labs. Advanced Placement courses include: U.S. History, U.S. Government, Biology, and Physics.
Bible Department
圣经课程是我们学术严谨的二级课程的必修课程,并延续了课程中所教授的概念 elementary school, with a focus on worldview. 高峰事工的世界观课程明确地为六年级的圣经课程提供指导, 8, 11 & 12. Seventh-grade students focus on the Old Testament, ninth-grade on the Gospels, and tenth-grade on apologetics. Whatever the course, FCS affirms the metanarrative of Scripture: 1. God created all things good. At creation, all things were in harmony. 2. 在堕落的时候(创世记3),由于人类的不服从,整个受造的秩序陷入了不和谐. 3. 在耶稣基督的身上,神开始了救赎和更新的过程. 4. In the end, God will restore all things through his Son Jesus Christ.
我们相信圣经的元叙事表现在四个关键的创造关系中. 1. Fellowship: The relationship between God and man. God created man for relationship with Himself; that relationship was broken because of sin; that relationship is restored through Jesus Christ. 2. Image-bearers: Man was created as whole and healthy being, as an image-bearer of God; sin brought disharmony and conflict into the life and heart of man. Redemption through Jesus Christ begins the healing process within man. 3. Servanthood: God created man for harmonious and loving relationships with other people; sin is the cause of disharmony and discord among people; part of restoring mission of Jesus Christ is to bring people back into harmonious relationship with one another. 4. Stewardship: God placed the whole created order under the rule and care of His image-bearers (Genesis 1); with the Fall, the relationship between man and the rest of the created order was marred; In Jesus Christ, 神继续呼召拥有祂形象的人来保守和保护受造的秩序.
Additional Courses
Physical education, world languages (Spanish), and a wide variety of fine arts courses (合唱音乐,器乐,视觉艺术和戏剧艺术)完善的课程. Advanced Placement courses for electives include Art History, Studio Art 2-D Design, Studio Art Drawing, Spanish Language and Culture, and Computer Principles.
除了我们的核心学术课程外,高中生还参加了为期两周的课程 January Term (J-Term),为期七天的选修课,最后是为期三天的校外静修. High school teachers, administrators, other staff, 有时,家长还会创建和实施反映他们课外兴趣和激情的高兴趣迷你课程. Courses in past J-Terms have included offerings such as photography, cooking, badminton, film, science fiction, and many more. 我们发现,除了在核心课程之外提供多样化和引人入胜的选修课, J-Term促进学生之间以及学生与教师之间的密切关系.
Secondary Faculty Members
Our teacher coach, Jason Perenon has taught secondary U.S./AP U.S. history at Fremont Christian School since 2014. 自2002年以来,他一直担任红木基督教社区教会学生事工的志愿者.
Mr. Perenon has a bachelor’s in history, with specialties in U.S. history and the Cold War, from California State University at East Bay. In 2022, 他在加州圣玛丽学院(Saint Mary 's College of California)获得了领导力教学硕士学位, 它包括一个实践行动研究项目,探索教师如何在课堂环境中创造一个安全的空间,以鼓励社区和学习. 研究的主要焦点是那些认同学习复杂性的学生如何对安全空间做出反应,并成为课堂上学习社区的一部分. The results of the year-long project were published in August 2022.
An identified Dyslexic, Mr. Perenon将课堂环境视为一个学习社区,并将学校本身视为一个家庭单位.
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