At Fremont Christian School, kindergarten begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 2:45 PM, with options for 延伸护理. Enrollment is open to students who turn five years old on or before November 1. Students who fall outside these age requirements may be eligible for 过渡幼儿园.
Designed to reflect the way children learn mathematics, 数学表达式 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) provides a solid conceptual base grounded in more than 20 years of research. Students are expected to problem-solve, explain their thinking, and prove their answers. Each unit begins with an inquiry-based activity to activate thinking, 获取先验知识, 消除先入之见.
Foundational to our mathematics instruction is the understanding that there are multiple paths to solving a problem. Providing a math learning environment that goes beyond memorization, 死记硬背, and basic computation allows students to learn with understanding, which leads to transference and the ability to apply learning in new situations.
在幼儿园, math manipulatives are used extensively to help students connect abstract concepts with tangible, hands-on practice to understand the foundations of numbers that will lead to mathematical fluency in 小学 及以后.
在幼儿园, students focus on the foundations of the English language, 包括语音通信, 音位和语音意识, 和流利.
的Fountas & Pinnell Classroom is a cohesive, multi-text approach to literacy instruction. 该系统旨在支持整个团队, 小组, and independent learning opportunities including: interactive read-aloud; reading mini-lessons; writing mini-lessons; shared reading; phonics, 拼写, and word study; 指导阅读; and independent reading collections.
Students set personal goals for becoming better readers and writers, which they work toward through extensive and close reading, 指导阅读, 赋予, 和日常写作. This approach emphasizes skill development with a particular focus on vocabulary development.
社会研究 & 科学
由UpLevel出版, our social studies and science curricula are California standards and Next Gen standards-based with 项目很高兴 策略嵌入. CCSS ELA standards play an integral part in the instruction. Of key importance in the UpLevel curriculum is that students learn how to learn, 他们的学习能力提高了, and they are able to comprehend new ideas and concepts more quickly. 所有小学生都收到这份周刊 给孩子的时间, which teachers use to discuss current events and further extend social studies learning. 实地考察旅行, 项目, 实验室, 工程包, 蒸汽的夜晚, and other media and materials provide enrichment for these content areas.
岩石上的建筑 (Summit Ministries)在所有小学年级都使用, which not only focuses on character development but on understanding the foundations of a Christian worldview through the building of the House of Truth. The content of the curriculum affirms the metanarrative of Scripture: (1) God created all things good. 在创世的时候,万物都是和谐的. (2)堕落时(创世纪3), the whole created order fell into disharmony due to the disobedience of man. (3) In the person of Jesus Christ, God began the process of redemption and renewal. (4) In the end, God will restore all things through his Son Jesus Christ.
We believe the biblical metanarrative is manifested in four key relationships of creation. (1)交通:神与人的关系. God created man for relationship with Himself; that relationship was broken because of sin; that relationship is restored through Jesus Christ. (2) Image-bearers: Man was created as whole and healthy being, as an imagebearer of God; sin brought disharmony and conflict into the life and heart of man. Redemption through Jesus Christ begins the healing process within man. (3) Servanthood: God created man for harmonious and loving relationships with other people; sin is the cause of disharmony and discord among people; part of restoring mission of Jesus Christ is to bring people back into harmonious relationship with one another. (4) Stewardship: God placed the whole created order under the rule and care of His image-bearers (Genesis 1); with the Fall, the relationship between man and the rest of the created order was marred; In Jesus Christ, God continues to call His image-bearers to work to preserve and protect the created order.
In the interest of developing the whole child, all students receive twice-weekly instruction in both 音乐 (Kodály方法)和 体育课.
Chromebook carts are provided for every grade level and are used to integrate web-based applications into the teaching and learning, 无论是在教室还是在家里.
小学部主任 Esther So has taught fifth grade at Fremont Christian School since 2013. 夫人. So holds a bachelor’s degree in psychobiology from UCLA, a master’s in intellectual disabilities/autism from Teachers College at Columbia University, and a master’s in educational leadership and administration from Cairn University.
作为她教育方法的一部分. So strives to partner with parents and families in order to educate students holistically, 同时坚持高学术水准. 她通过小组合作帮助学生社交成长, 最重要的是, by guiding each student to know and love God with all their heart, 灵魂, 和精神.
两位夫人. So’s children currently attend FCS: Samuel (Class of 2023) and Johanna (Class of 2025). 夫人. So loves eating good food and spending time with family and friends, 也参加了孩子们的篮球比赛.